Sunday, September 4, 2011

High Activity on Facebook Page for Jesus

The Bible Facebook page, run by the United Bible Societies in Reading, England, has eight million fans and also beat Mr. For some, the Jesus Daily has become a faith community online, where people share their troubles and provide and receive words of support. Over all, 31 percent of Facebook users in the United States list a religion in their profile, and 24 percent of users outside the United States do, Facebook says. Lillard, a Baptist minister from Maryland. Sharing the Gospel in the Digital Age.

Henry Brinton, senior pastor of the Fairfax Presbyterian Church in Fairfax, Va. More than 43 million people on Facebook are fans of at least one page categorized as religious. By noon, more than 147,000 people had Liked the post. I wanted to provide people with encouragement, said Dr. For the last three months, more people have Liked, commented and shared content on the Jesus Daily than on any other Facebook page, including Justin Bieber’s page, according to a weekly analysis by AllFacebook.

He started it in April 2009, he said, as a hobby shortly after he began using Facebook to market his diet book and online diet business that includes selling soy shakes, protein bars and supplements. That’s not possible through online worship alone, he said. There are so many people battling cancer, fighting to keep their marriages together, struggling to restore relationships with their children, he said. There are those people who prefer to check out our tweets on their phone or listen to our podcast. com, an industry blog.

The Rev. The doctor, Aaron Tabor, 41, grew up watching his father preach at churches in Alabama and North Carolina, and his Facebook creation is called the Jesus Daily. Tabor, who keeps his diet business on a separate Facebook page. But they can never replace the importance of people being together physically in the service of worship. And some people will prefer being online, said Rabbi Baum, 31, who is one of the leaders of OurJewishCommunity.

I don’t think the use of technology needs to be for everybody. Kenneth Lillard, author of Social Media and Ministry: I love Jesus Daily. Tabor, a medical researcher, drafts most of the posts himself, using some marketing techniques learned from his successful diet business, which he now pitches on QVC.

And I thought I would give it a news spin by calling it daily. And Facebook got its first Bible-themed game recently, the Journey of Moses. Perhaps the biggest opportunity for religious leaders and institutions is finding and keeping new members, according to the Rev. But the increase in the number of people finding faith communities via social media platforms provokes the question of what constitutes religious experience and whether friending a church online is at all similar to worshiping at one. Amid pages for Lady Gaga, Texas Hold’em Poker and Manchester United, Joyce Meyer Ministries is in the top 20, along with another page devoted to Jesus Christ, and the Spanish-language page Dios Es Bueno, or God Is Great.

Facebook and other social media tools have changed the way people communicate, work, find each other and fall in love. Bieber with about a million interactions. Although Pope Benedict acknowledged in a recent statement that social networks offered a great opportunity, he warned Roman Catholics that virtual contact cannot and must not take the place of direct human contact with people at every level of our lives. I am looking at social media doing the same thing for today’s church, said Mr. org.

Much of the conversation on social platforms is fostered by religious leaders, churches, synagogues and other religious institutions turning to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to attract followers and strengthen connections with members. But we have found a community online. Since making a focused effort to use social media three years ago, Rabbi Laura Baum, of the Congregation Beth Adam in Cincinnati, said the synagogue had reached thousands of people around the world and significantly expanded the number of people participating in Shabbat services on Friday evenings. He recently posted photographs of baby animals, asking people to name God’s Little Helpers. With2 million fans, the Jesus Daily counted4 million interactions last week, compared with about 630,000 interactions among Justin Bieber’s 35 million fans, the AllFacebook.

There are people out of work, at the end of the line and I just want the Jesus Daily to be a central place where they find encouragement, no matter what battle they are fighting. And names for the baby animals were among the more than 7,000 comments, including this one from Steve Karimi, writing from Nakuru, the provincial capital of Kenya’s Rift Valley province:I am not saying there isn’t value to the connections that get made through social networking. com analysis shows. Jesus Daily reminds me every day that I am not alone, said Kristin Davis-Ford, a single mother and full-time student in Houston. There are some people who will always prefer the in-person, face-to-face experience, who love being in a room with other Jews and smelling the freshly baked challah.

What is new is that millions of people are also turning to Facebook pages, like the Jesus Daily, created by people unaffiliated with a religious leader or a specific house of worship. I want it to be about encouragement, he said. Tabor is not sure what the future holds for the page, he said, mentioning an online television global ministry. While it’s too early to say that social media have transformed the way people practice religion, the number of people discussing faith on Facebook has significantly increased in the last year, according to company officials. Truly inspirational.

They offer readings and services via live videos on Facebook, allowing Jews from all over the world to join in prayer and in conversation on Facebook, Twitter or Livestream.